We lost $5.9M on enforcement revenue, which is a dramatic decline of 15% of the annual budget. It’s a loss, which should trigger off a variety of alarm bells.
We say in our papers “infringement notices are significantly lower than budgetted, largely driven by improved compliance”.
This was spun as a good news story, all of a sudden after decades of non-compliance, the lights have gone on and people have become compliant – perhaps they’ve taken up cycling.
However, under questioning it appeared that there was more than met the eyes. I brought up new rosters and it was conceded that they were unpopular and may have well caused a decline in infringement notices.
Then it got heated when I suggested there was a poor culture and management practices.
So I asked ten Questions On Notice and unfortunately the answers are six pages long and they arrived at 15 minutes before Council. They are going to need many hours of analysis and need follow up questions.
But what I did see was:
Average sick leave days are over the last two years 19 and 16.1. That’s staggering, in my business the number is less than 3.
Staff turnover is an impressive 16% and 11% - up from 6% the year before.
Permanent staff is constant but casuals are significantly up.
Average infringements per Ranger have gone from 1923 to 1856 to 1697 this year.
The Warfield Report, which no one seemed to have heard of, has been found – and I quote “Warfield and Associates were engaged…to investigate complaints and grievances made by staff within the Rangers Unit”. No surprises the report is Confidential.
The Main recommendations seems to suggest serious management problems.
In January 2013 an internal audit was conducted into allegations of nepotism.
I’m not passing any judgment or opinion here but there’s enough here to suggest “trouble in paradise” so saying “infringement notices are significantly lower than budgeted, largely driven by improved compliance” is awkwardly untrue.
I really think Lord Mayor that you or the CEO ought to do the right thing and change the words.
Edward MandlaAugust 2014