Edward Mandla
Development Application: 292 King Street Newtown

Published On: 21/03/2016

On 24 November 2015 the applicant wrote to all Councillors essentially raising concerns that due process had not been followed in relation to consent orders the applicant entered into with Council in late 2014.

The applicant contends that Council failed to advise them and failed to advise the Land and Environment Court that a Council Heritage Specialist and a Council Urban designer both supported the proposed 5th level.

There was a disagreement over the 15m height – the City said it’s over by .28m and the applicant said that they are not.

I was away last week but understand that a vote to reject the DA occurred prior to the applicant being heard which is a bit awkward when there is contention within the DA.

I understand that there was discussion by our planning department to defer consideration of this matter to allow Council Officers an opportunity to assess and consider revised plans for the proposed 5th floor. I’m wondering why this didn’t happen?

Quite frankly, I can’t see the harm in deferring consideration of this DA, given the applicant is showing flexibility and that there is a cloud hanging over this DA.

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