Edward Mandla
Bike and Community Bike Hub at the Iconic T2 Building Taylor Square

Published On: 16/09/2013

In an unusual move, the Council is looking to offload responsibility of the running of the cultural Cycling Hub in the iconic T2 building to one group only.

Tenderers have ranged from retail bike shops, cycling industry groups to some groups with nothing to do with cycling at all.

However, the successful tenderer will have to balance a range of conflicting cycling activities including running community bike events, host films and talks, conduct repairs, sell bikes, rent bikes, be a one stop shop for cycling information, manage industry groups as well as sell coffee and cakes.

Surely a for profit bike retailer will focus on selling coffee and buns rather that the impossible task of managing squabbling industry groups. I can't believe we are asking cycling advocacy groups to learn how to be Baristas, cycle repairers and business people. In effect, we're asking tenderers to be 'jack of all trades and master of none'. It just shows the Council is clueless when it comes to commercial ventures.

The City crashed through bike lanes resulting in a disjointed and unsafe cycling network. Once again, the City is rushing through the Bike Hub before the community realises a great piece of historical property is being squandered.

Edward Mandla
September 2013

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